Tabbi, Becca and I went out today to look for thistles for the Outdoor Challenge. We found some, but they were pretty far gone already. We did however get to pull what was left of the flowers apart and see the fluff.
We also found some Milkweed pods that were split open. The seeds were spilling out and the wind was taking them away. So silky, the girls liked the feel of the soft fluff.
I found this mailbox at a thrift store in town. I cleaned it up for Tabbi to play with. Today, she and Becca, her niece, played with it all afternoon. I gave them some paper and a stack of old envelopes, and they wrote LOTS of "letters" to each other!
We found a tutorial on line and decided to try using chalk to make a Marsh picture. Our chalks weren't exactly the right colors, but I still like the way they turned out. The turtorial is here:
Becca and Tabbi made a dessert with chocolate animal cookies, whipped cream, and banana slices!
Tabbi LOVES to collect eggs! She goes out two or three times a day to see if there are any more.
Tabbi decided she wanted to make Christmas ornaments today... guess it's because of the cold weather! She used glue and glitter to trace shapes. We have to wait for the glue to dry to see how these turn out.
Then she made a glue snowman! He turned out kind of cute... but his glue has to dry, too!
On Wednesday, we collected different colored items, to see how many fall colors we could find. Our trees are mostly bare already, so there weren't a whole lot of colored leaves.
This is the chart she colored to show many different fall colors.